Chi Kung

“Chi Kung starts with the mind as you have to focus and think about the movements therefore enhancing your mental stamina. Then it benefits the body as you do it routinely for a while you start to see physical improvements and health benefits. Then is moves to the soul as it helps to bring about spiritual awareness and maturity while allowing for the practitioner to enhance not only their life but others as well.” – Brian “Panda” Bryce

I offer both personal and class sessions, if you would like to book a session contact me at [email protected] Rates are listed below:

Chi Assessment and balancing: $77
9 Session Beginner Class (Nine 45 minute sessions): $299
Advanced Class (Weekly sessions over a year span): $1899
1 on 1 Private Sessions: $144 per one hour session
Consultations: Case by Case basis Contact Panda to discuss pricing

Here are some examples of the historical evidence we have regarding Chi Kung:

  • ca. 5000 BCE – archeological evidence (pottery) shows a qigong posture that looks just like a famous posture  called “Hugging the Tree” that is still practiced and taught today.
  • ca. 400 BCE – The Classic of the Way’s Virtues (The Dao De Jing, 道德經) by Lao Tzu (老子) speaks about focusing on your qi through breathing, and about cultivating softness (a hallmark of qigong).
  • ca. 400 BC – Chuang Tzu (莊子) talks about how past masters breathed qi down to their feet, which is an advanced qigong technique.
  • ca. 300 BC – The Circulating Qi Inscription (Xing Qi Ming, 行氣銘) basically describes the Small Universe Qigong technique, another advanced qigong method.
  • ca. 200 BC – The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine (Huang Di Neijing 黃帝內經), which is the fundamental text of Traditional Chinese Medicine, speaks about breathing qi and keeping the mind tranquil and promote longevity. It also talks about Qi Circulation Theory, the Theory of 5 Elements, and the Theory of Yin and Yang

As you can see, there’s considerable evidence suggesting that Chi Kung is older than many religions with many scholars debating that if it might even be older than the pyramids dating back to ancient civilizations!